
Friday, January 4, 2013


&nbcp;I realise I'm posting a lot less WIP pictures because I'm lazy to take a SLR just to take those! 

A christmas pressie I made.

Love the chocolate effect though my mom says it looks weird :(

Wanted to make it a bit more useful and practical which explains the paper clips. 

And that funky wire thing is supposed to hold memos. Couldnt find the proper ones in the bookstore so I unwanked a paper clip haha.

HEHE I like this last picture. Can you see the tiny fruits too?

Wanted to make a similar one as I still have more of the fruits and canes but I could'nt find that container anymore :( 

Anyways, the fruit making experience was shocking. I used to try orange caning which ended in horror. This time I thought it would turn out gross and all but no! Although they don't look VERY realistic but I would say the colors came out so brilliant! Making the strawberry canes were a little challenging too due to the awkward shape of the strawberries. I also decided to draw on the kiwi seeds because I am not convinced my caning is trustworthy. The mango were basically blocks of yellow clay so it was pretty ok.

Will definitely try making fruits again!!! Probably try with ADC since my resin clay order from tinkleart just came wooooohoo.

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