
Monday, August 15, 2011

Polymer Clay Whipped and Pipable Cream tips and tutorial

Okay, i know this is not some big secret in polymer clay, but I found myself struggling big time with this because all they tell me (on websites and youtube) is make it and pipe it. 

Nothing else. So I had to like keep experimenting and wasting clay ><

And as you can see in the title, its PIPABLE cream.

Most tutorials tell me to use a tooth pick and put on a puff or pipe onto a puff A.K.A those ugly, no shape, meant to put fruits to cover ones.

The ones I'm talking about in this post is this:

Its those kind u pipe through a small teensie weensie cupcake that is less than 1cm in diameter :)

Super duper useful to pipe on cupcakes, frosted cookies and so on.

Not so sure about piping the shells and all those, but I'll try that out (again no help given from internet) and update XD

First up - Mixing the cream

this one should be known by now. Don't be lazy or cheap, use liquid fimo and mix with clay!

For me I use liquid fimo + fimo soft so I can use water to make the clay soft before adding fimo (works faster!)

And don't expect me to tell you the ratio, work it out yourself!

For me I make one batch, try it out. The batch is white and I keep in a container and whenever I need to pipe stuff, I mix the colours with pastels like this before using :)

Don't expect your whipped cream to be like those orange orange cause the base of it is white. If you want orange orange, u got to make a batch of orange clay + liquid fimo or else no matter how much orange pastels you add, all you gon get is a whitish pastel orange :) 

But for cookies you usually use pastel colours? So I don't bother since it involves liquid fimo which is not cheap btw.

Next on - Preparing the piping bag.

Might sound easy, but hey I struggled with this part too so maybe u might ^_^

Sandwich Bag, or which I call ziplocked bag. Cut out a as shown in photo.

HAHA. this is the part. I used to stupid use a scissor to cut the tip, resulting in big ass tip :( Use a needle for better effect, and if you are using a toothpick, dont poke throughout and just end at where I ended (or u end up with a big hole still -.-). 

This can then ensure the hole you are piping through is neat and consistent!

Fill the bag~

Test this out. looks goooood.

HAHA another photo :)

So I hope you learnt more on how to pipe using liquid polymer clay. its simple but if i had found this on the internet I would be uber happy :D

the main tips I have is:

1) Poke the hole before putting in the cream (from the inside using a tooth pick), it won't hurt :)
2) Use small piping bags, this makes it easier to manipulate and lesser risk of popping piping bag and have all the cream gush out :(
3) Keep practising!
4) Make a white batch and mix colours of individual projects. Minimizes wastage :D
5) Use disposable piping bags. Helps in clean up!

Okay, thats all. Have fun piping, I'll be, cause now I'll addicted to piping stuff.

Cookies anybody?

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