
Saturday, August 13, 2011



Sorry for leaving you guys nothing to read (which ever few followers I have teehee).

Exams are over, and I've reignited my love for Clay Art (I did'nt have much motivation last time :( )


I'm now working on some presents for my friends (that explains the motivation) and here's something I made :)


Under no-flash.

Love the cream colours :)

Made after real life ones I made so it adds to the meaning :)

I also tried out a new way to make cupcakes so after modification I guess I'll make a tutorial ^_^

Other than these cupcakes I was ready for the next search for DECO DEN WHIPPED CREAM!

I've had numerous failures, spending $7 on worthless shit, using silicon which is great but gives me respiratory difficulties and of course refusal to buy whipped cream sold at $16 up per tube.

I first went on to youtube and found a tutoral which asked me to use acrylic (THE SHIT I BOUGHT THINKING IT WAS TEXTURE PASTE!!!) and flour. So I mixed the two in glee, happy that I could turn the shit into something useful :D

Verdict? Held the texture, very sturdy, very hard. HOWEVER, it cracked and made me uber sad. It was really good, and the only problem was that it cracked :(

Second try! I was like really despo, so I just took some daiso clay, mixed it with glue AND added some Acrylic (HAHA i just had to use the "shit") 

Tested it out~

Did'nt hold textures that well, but passable. And maybe I added too much white glue :X

looks like this~

Overall I have to say it held in the watermelon slice, and stuck well to the iphone cover, so I think I'll just again modify it and use it as my deco den whipped cream! YAY!!!

YEAP, pretty much my largest achievement ><

Lastly, my second largest achievement would be to finally pipe sensibly!

Haha yes yes yes I piped those Happy Cupcakes with liquid polymer clay and I think I've finally found the texture and tricks lol.

Again I'll have to modify it and get back to you guys.

I surfed the net for crazily long and nothing came up with a good recipe for Whipped Cream, Polymer Clay PIPABLE Cream :(

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