
Friday, February 25, 2011

A New Follower!

Why am I very very flattered! Well I got my first follower :o I thought that I'll probably fade into the background :( Thanks for following me and I'll try to maintain this blog as well as possible :D Schools been busy so my promised sunday post came a good 5 days later. I haven't been sleeping well due to work so where do I find time for minis and deco? Well I've fallen sick today so I finally got time to rest. Now I can't sleep so I'm stealing time to post something I've made last sunday during a break from work. Wah la! I've spent some time crapping about my life so I'll stop here. Skip to pictures if you ain't really interested :D

This time's picture in candle light :P Should I photoshop it or is it good as it is?

I really LOVE it!

Before I started revising and doing work, I went shopping alone (remember the first post, going to jurong by myself? YEA) and bought some rhinestones, some blah blah blah. I bought Rement, Silicon too :) So once I caught some time I took out the piping bag and started to do it! A spontaneous attempt, no planning beforehand, just plonked whatever I had :) I've been making some decoden pieces on standby, and the waffles one of them. I really like it :D The roses are ex-cake embellishments and the chocolate was stolen from cake making too >< I love rhinestones now! They used to put me off for all the blingness, but rhinestones on silicon is pure magic :) However, I don't get gigantic rhinestones for they are ex and I don't like them. I got these rhinestones at $1 shop for 5 (?) long strips of rhinestones :) Theres alot of colors and theres pearls too! They are $1.50 by the way =.=

And this is my order from sophie and toffee! They were pretty prompt and I now have a good ol discount code! Interested people can email me LOL. Will be saying this every post until someone decides to email me :) The canes are fine but strawberry canes are not as detailed as the ones I bought from madam ang. However they are less than half the price so I guess it balances out :) I think one cabochon is missing. I love the parfait cup! Will be using it soon :D Well I've use the cabochons to make some molds in an upcoming oyumaru review :D

Yes! I'll be posting real shortly. That's two posts for you guys! mmm, perhaps I should type as a draft and publish tomorrow so no information overload there....

Moo Moo Cow

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