
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

BACK! Cupcake Casings and More

I'm quite happy right now :D

Remember I mentioned I stopped crafting for a bit because of exams? The good news is that I achieved rather surprising (in a good way) results! No specifics but I'm very very happy :D

And another good news is that I am quite surprised (again in a good way) that I managed some cupcake casings!

Lulu and the casings sitting on my keyboard.

Lulu holding one of them.

Artistic photo LOL !

Its really quite small. Thats a 5 cent coin :)

The bigger ones ~

They look so pretty sitting on my bed sheet :D

I started out with aluminum (Because i was making some other thing for work purpose, then decided to try out Yoyostudio's tutorial). Then I moved to paper. Then I saw these paper which is transparent and rather sturdy (i don't know what it's called) and they worked beautifully! 

I made them while watching TV late at night :) Took me two nights to find my way of making them so I'm glad something came out of it!

Not as many folds as snow fern's ones (hers have 16 :O) for the 1:12 scaled ones, but around 8-10. Good enough for me I'd say! 

However it takes like 20 minutes for me to do one, and my index finger ached like crazy after doing these 6 big and small casings so ...

I'll make them when I actually get down to making cupcakes! 

I need some help in making 1:12 cupcakes /face palms/.

And reason why I didn't make clayish thing is cause I didn't have clay. Ordered from tinkle art, but they missed my payment so shipping was delayed until I asked them ;'(

Next post on caning!

Moo Moo Cow

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