
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Remember this photo?&nbs`;
I think its pretty obvious~ Its a aluminum foil piping tip!

Another shot to show you how minuscule it is :)

So I was browsing through the web again, and finally found enlightenment *ting* on what is meant by aluminum nozzle LOL.

You know aluminum foil? There's this thin strip of foil which is used to tear the aluminum foil :)

I've been googling "aluminum foil nozzle" for like FOREVER and nothing was much help. Maybe its my bad googling skill. GAHH. So I'm naming this post Aluminium Foil Nozzle for Miniature Piping! Im so nice :DD

With a new found tip comes more piping practice!

The pipe was made in like 5 minutes with much cringing and tweezers so Im super happy to see the details :)

Piped them onto the ziplock which i cut to make the bag~ It was super unplanned so I just grabbed everything LOL!

Tried other pattern other then dollops of cream.

Ran out of space on the ziplockies so ~

More pictures! They look nicer in pictures cause my homemade cream was dried up so I added water so they became super watery (spontaneity is a badass habit of mine).

Gahh I can't imagine how small these cream are. Looking back (did this one week ago) they were so tiny!!

I couldn't bear to delete any photos cause I got the macro thingy right this time.

Some hits and misses LOL

I like the long train of cream in the middle :3


Anyways this will come in handy for cake making and even my upcoming cupcake projects. once I found out there was NO turning back muahaha :D

Hope this helped because using those baking tips are crazy because the tips are massive hence tons of wastage and overall its weird because the tip is big and the bag is small and your work is small. (do you get it?)

Anyway I see that more people are visiting *eyes well up in tears* so keep coming YEAA :D

Super awesome to own a craft blog cause people from all over the world visit ~ Like france, saudi arabia, israel :D 

Kay I PROMISE some valid work instead of experiments >.< Sucks to be a lazy person :(

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Caning Experiment~

I have never successfully caned before :( Had resigned my fate to buying them, but realized that they don't work for 1:12 .__.

So I used those random colored clay (I had no more white) to make these as an experiment!

I won't consider it a success, because ... JUST LOOK AT THE PICS.

LOL Wastage :X

End product~ I used mainly yellow and black clay.

I wanted to try different techniques. This is the roll technique. Most successful of the three techniques. Plus I have never really succeeded before hah.

The other two techniques, cutting and piecing and combining canes.

As you can see, the cut and piece technique went mad, like my past tries :( It looks like some spider  sweet omg. 

As for the combining cane thing, it turned out alright. As a side comment, don't you think it looks like a rotten guava? #justsaying

I made both big and small ones, and I have to say reducing wise, the detail stayed :D

Overall, i learnt good caning habits such as Squeeze and Pull and not roll, Roll and Slice, being careful and so on. 

I am not exactly ready to make "real" canes, and probably going to start another caning experiment to see if I can pull off the cut and piece cane (like oranges and lemons).

Sigh, I'm just bad at caning. /dies/

Any good caning tips? :)

Moo Moo Cow

BACK! Cupcake Casings and More

I'm quite happy right now :D

Remember I mentioned I stopped crafting for a bit because of exams? The good news is that I achieved rather surprising (in a good way) results! No specifics but I'm very very happy :D

And another good news is that I am quite surprised (again in a good way) that I managed some cupcake casings!

Lulu and the casings sitting on my keyboard.

Lulu holding one of them.

Artistic photo LOL !

Its really quite small. Thats a 5 cent coin :)

The bigger ones ~

They look so pretty sitting on my bed sheet :D

I started out with aluminum (Because i was making some other thing for work purpose, then decided to try out Yoyostudio's tutorial). Then I moved to paper. Then I saw these paper which is transparent and rather sturdy (i don't know what it's called) and they worked beautifully! 

I made them while watching TV late at night :) Took me two nights to find my way of making them so I'm glad something came out of it!

Not as many folds as snow fern's ones (hers have 16 :O) for the 1:12 scaled ones, but around 8-10. Good enough for me I'd say! 

However it takes like 20 minutes for me to do one, and my index finger ached like crazy after doing these 6 big and small casings so ...

I'll make them when I actually get down to making cupcakes! 

I need some help in making 1:12 cupcakes /face palms/.

And reason why I didn't make clayish thing is cause I didn't have clay. Ordered from tinkle art, but they missed my payment so shipping was delayed until I asked them ;'(

Next post on caning!

Moo Moo Cow