
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Work in Progress

Cupcake casings. Each is 0.4mm in diameter? They are so addictive to make omg.

Packaging I made long ago. It kind of worked out but the dimensions are pretty off -.- I was rather lazy and assumed everything haha. I guess I'll go re-install photoshop then do it. Or something.

New batch of 1:12 stuff!

1:4 st honores. I can't pipe it properly so /shrugs

The bakery! The craftsmanship is super rough ahah but I'm happy enough.

1:12 st honores! I have zero idea what to put on the top so I'll have to wait.

group photo. 

The 1:4 stuff!

It's the holidays so I have tons of time to make all these. Basically I'm planning for a 1:12 bakery! I have no idea how to make all the furniture so let's see! So far I've made quite a fair bit of pastries and bread to put it in though.

And I need to take better pics :X

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