Picture heavy!!!
Rather large donuts~ LOVE the feathered donut to max plus I did it in one shot :)
Both look quite realistic so Im more than happy. The last time i did feathering for a 1cm donut it too me 5-6 times. This donut is around 3-4cm in diameter? MUCH EASIER!
Cookies! Got lazy with the donuts cause I had to detail the rim of the donut so I did what i know best!
PREP BOARDS! Donuts are 7-8 mm in diameter, very very tiny :)
I also made an effort to detail the rims cause I thought since its a miniature might as well try my best :3
Pink one has chocolate drizzle, green one is mint chocolate chip, blue one is frosted with coconut sprinkles and yellow one is also drizzled with chocolate. YUMM!
Chocolate Chip Cookies! Around the same size as the donuts! nicely browned :)
the bowl is rather large but :X
Made TWO!
The other donut prep board.
One has nuts, one has hundreds and thousands and one is plain choc. its supposed to have coconut sprinkles but it disappeared (sank into the sauce) :/ in fact the hundreds and thousands also sank a little :(
ARGGHH i can't capture the rims of the donuts :/
miniatures are hard to capture :/
i didn't know what to put at the side to complete the board so i put a small plate of the sprinkles used to decorate the donuts :')
more pictures~~
I like this one more cause the colors are so bright!!
but I'm sure chic donuts are tastier :DD
hehe another pic.
arhh i like this cam setting :D
thinking of selling them as miniatures or magnets :0
Maybe I'll list them on zibbet? meanwhile they shall not be glued or anything :)
as for the charms... probably list as a necklace charm /make into a bracelet... can't wait to make more feathered donuts :D
not sure what to make next round. was supposed to make macaroni prep boards too but i realised polymer clay don't work well with molds in 1:12 so Imms have to buy more daiso clay/adc from tinkle art which i am quite lazy to so see first? anyways i want to get back to deco den cause my good ol whipped cream is drying. sorry for blabbering and byeeee!! try to post as soon as possible :)
contact me if you would like to buy any of the above/anything i've posted in this blog before! I don't really want them to stash up in my house anyways :P