
Saturday, July 5, 2014

I'm back!

I haven't actually made anything.. so this is an inspiration post kind of thing to consolidate my ideas. All my crafting stuff are collecting dust in the cupboards.

So many ideas here:

1) Cake Boss

Would really love to recreate Carlos Bakery. I really loved the homeliness of the bakery in the initial seasons. Watched season 7 and I was so done with how commercialized the carlos brand became :/


NTS: getting the trays and the bakery display will be a huge headache.. but we'll see. Reseach required on dimensions of bakery, and maybe go borrow the cake boss cookbook again to see all the pastries cakes sold.

2) Savoury Food

I'm talking KFC, Pizzahut, Burgers etc. It's been done before, but I really like the idea of a fast food joint!

One thing that haven't been overdone will be star buck's menu :>

Work by the amazing aiclay.

I want to eat it!!!!

Recreation of real life food is always very gratifying :3

NTS: Choose either MACS/KFC/STARBUCKS and work out the entire menu. Probably starbucks.

3) Finishing my desert table.

Excuse the poor iPhone photography, this is WIP mind you.

The st honores and st religieuses are not piped. The white cakes were a disaster.

Nonetheless really hoping to finish it!!! I am deliberating whether to keep it minimalistic like this, or to make it more packed.

Okay, need to really kind of plan out the stuff. Probably start slow by making dollies today :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Peppy Clay for Charity!

So there was this fund-fair (fun-d fair get it? hahaha) in my school, and my friend asked me if I could help out with raising funds for IMH. I agreed but had no time to make things from scratch, so I just took whatever I made in the past year/last December, glued some to make magnets, pins and so on and sold them! Also took things from my etsy for sale.

We raised about $200, from selling off the things! I'm really quite glad because 1) Many people were saying that the things were really pretty. 2) It's all for a good cause and 3) I got to clear out the stash of things that I've made but didn't sell/didn't know what to do with.

Unfortunately I still have EOYs to prepare for (although my blocktests just ended), so it looks like I won't be crafting for at least the next 2 and a half month. But after that I can go crazy and make things from day to night and hopefully aim to set up a flea somewhere in December/January! Meanwhile my etsy store is left with just the cupcake earrings and the 1:12 vanilla cupcakes.

I realized that school and crafting don't go very well together, as I didn't make anything since March/April? It's so sad. I can only craft during the December holidays :/

Did'nt take any pictures but here's a old one :)

Le Doll Bakery
See you guys in December!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Its been 2 months???

I think so.

Didn't do anything "new" other than these cupcakes.

Wanted to make colourful ones, but I think vanilla ones are the cutest!! 

Will look into other flavours...(WHO WANTS RED VELVET)

Made into earring studs too!

Fruity ring. Wondered what to do with the remaining fruit slices and remembered I haven't used those filigree rings I bought /facepalm/

St Honore Ring!

And I never found a use for my 1:6 donuts either.... and I had one last normal ring base so stuck the most colourful one onto it!

Revised the shipping for etsy after some experience with Singpost! So happy that I've sold 8 items so far :) Hope you like browsing through my etsy woohoo!

June Holidays is here and I AM SO READY. Just sketched some projects so yeaaaaa. 

Will be re-making some of the old stuff i.e donuts, cookies, st honores, cream puffs but I want to experiment with "salty food" i.e pizzas!!! 


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Macaron Tower!!!!

Although I know no one is desperate for my updates, it still saddens me that my last post was 2 months ago because it suggests that I've been so busy I had no life :(

In fact, these towers were made a month ago and I only found time/bothered to take pictures today.

Mass produced macarons to make macaron towers. Expect more to come!

Making macarons are just a repetitive and boring process, but when everything comes together it's so pretty!

HAHA same macaron different lighting.

Wanted to list these on etsy but if you realized the glue gun screwed up and the cone was uneven so meh. Now sits in my own doll bakery.

Couldn't bear to exclude any pictures. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Doll Bakery Updates - Cake Counter

some cheese cakes ...

chocolate cake, fruit cake, mango chocolate cake.

In the doll bakery!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Cream Puffs on a Jar

Wanted to remake a fruit one, but was too lazy to chop up the fruit canes.

Wanted to use the cookies I made, but they did'nt look nice. Dug around in my stash of random stuff, came up with this! 

I want to list it on etsy, but am not sure about shiiping it overseas ><

:) Oh and I've just made an etsy sale! it's on its way to America now :3

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Daiso Craft Guide Part 1

Here is my list of must-buys at daiso!

Mainly for larger scaled miniatures evidently :3

Cookie Cutters! Could'nt find those regular shaped ones but these are adorable!

Daiso air dry clay is great stuff! I use it for whipped cream. Mixing it with resin clay would make very durable miniature/charms too. Using it by itself is not as recommended though.

These cups are around 1:3 ? or 1:4. They are the smallest paper cups I see and you should have seen my projects involving them.

$2 will get you 40 cups. I use them to mix stuff as well since 40 is A LOT. In fact I still have a lot left.

They come with a pump but I prefer piping bags. Of course, I feel that main tip you will use is the star tip, but maybe I'll think twice after experimenting with the rest.

$2 for 24 glue sticks! A lot cheaper than say sophie and toffee, or bookstores. They come in chocolate, white, pink and transparent.

Frostbags! They have different types of bags in daiso so look out for FROST BAGS. I buy the smallest because 1) I get 48 pieces 2) Piping miniature does not require a huge frost bag. I find that frost bags will decrease the chances of cream bursting out and holes in the bags.

Dollies Cutter! These are a bit too small, but for $2 I am happy with it. Just use it to cut dollies shaped paper, and poke holes using a needle. I like to have a corkboard underneath so that the tiny paper won't shift around.

There's so many possibilities at Daiso, thats why I'm naming this post Part 1 as I'm sure there's a lot more cool stuff to be shared!